📜Token Checker

What does each parameter in the token checker table mean?

Guide to the Token Checker After receiving a file with a table from the bot, you can open it in a convenient editor, for example in Excel, it is also convenient to do this through Google tables.

After opening, the following fields open in front of you:

buy_count, sell_count, buy_amount, sell_amount, profit, roi is_sniper, avg_time, Dexcreener_link

Now we will go through each of them:

wallet - the wallet about which the statistics are indicated
buys_count - count of buys made by the wallet in this token
sells_count - count of sells made by the wallet in this token
buy_amount - total amount of buys made by the wallet in this token IN SOL!
sell_amount - total amount of sells made by the wallet in this token IN SOL!
profit - total profit IN SOL!
is_sniper - indicates whether this wallet was buying a token at the time of its appearance
roi - the percentage that the wallet received from investments in this token
avg_time - the average time of buys and sells of a wallet. The higher the better
dexscreener link - a link to the token graph indicating the wallet, you can go and see all purchases and sales of the wallet on the graph!

You can set up personal filters for receiving wallets based on the specified parameters. For example: buys_count > 1; is_sniper = False; avg_time > 200;

Last updated